
Romans: The MacArthur New Testament Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

This New Testament commentary series reflects a sound knowledge of the text and a gift for practical application of Scripture truth. Some commentaries are primarily linguistic, others are mostly theological, and some are mainly homiletical. This series is expository, doctrinal and practical. It focuses on the main doctrines in each text and how they relate to other Scriptures and what they mean...

their own understanding about right and wrong above God’s clear instruction (Gen. 2:16–17; 3:1–7). By nature man is self-centered and inclined to have his own way. He will push his selfishness as far as circumstances and the tolerance of society will allow. When self-will is unbridled, man consumes everything and everyone around him in an insatiable quest to please himself. When friends, fellow workers, or a spouse cease to provide what is wanted, they are discarded like an old pair of shoes. Much
Volume 1, Page 2